Kids Eye Test2022-11-11T15:26:46+00:00

Kids’ Eye Tests at Taylor-West & Co – How it Works and When to Book

Your child’s eyes are special. Not only does their vision help them to find out about the world around them in their early years, it allows them to learn and discover new things as they go through school.

Did you know that around 80% of what is taught in schools is presented visually? This means that children with poor vision are at a severe disadvantage in their learning and development, so ensuring that your child can see clearly with a kid’s eye test is essential.

Our fully comprehensive kids’ eye tests are able to detect even the most minute changes to your child’s eyes; all with non-invasive tests that can take as little as half a second to complete.

We take your child’s vision as seriously as you do.

Book a kids’ eye test today

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Why Book a Kids Eye Test?

Many very young children will have their eyesight checked as a part of their routine developmental checks. While these are extremely important to determine whether or not they have any issues with their eyes, they are not as thorough as a complete eye test for kids by a qualified optician.

A child suffering from poor eyesight and eye health can be the catalyst for learning and behavioural problems – which are often blamed on other things. This is especially true for younger children and those just entering education as they may have difficulties explaining the issues they are having with their eyesight, or they may not even be aware they have a problem.

Problems with your child’s vision must be detected as early as possible. Conditions such as squint and amblyopia, or lazy eyes, can be treated more effectively with early detection, making a huge difference for your child.

What is the Ideal Age for my Child’s First Eye Test?

The ideal age for a child’s first eye test is around three and a half years old. At this age, they will be able to receive all the benefits from our full children’s eye test.

There are a variety of tests that can be used for infants and preschool children who are unable to read or recognise letters. However, if you have no concerns about your child’s vision, it may be better to wait until your child is a little bit older.

Even if your child’s vision seems to be good, it is always worth taking them for a professional kid’s eye test when they reach school age. This will not only offer peace of mind, but it will also ensure there are no issues with their vision that could affect their early school years.

What Happens During a Kids Eye Test?

We know that the typical eye examination can prove to be a little overwhelming for children, especially if they’ve never had one before. This is why we’ve designed our children’s eye test to be as enjoyable and child-friendly as possible.

Our kids’ eye tests work differently compared to adults. Rather than the traditional Snellen chart, we use specially designed charts which will allow your child to recognise shapes, and pictures, and even match letters or shapes. This enables us to keep your child engaged throughout the process, as well as detect whether or not they can read or recognise letters.

Our opticians will make the entire process welcoming and unimposing. And, of course, you will be able to stay alongside your child throughout their test.

Book your kids’ eye test today

Signs You Should Book a Kids Eye Test

While it can be difficult to tell if your child has eyesight problems, there are several things you can look out for. These signs include, but are not limited to:

Signs of Eye Conditions in Children

Children begin to develop vision in their eyes over their first year.

Young babies and newborns cannot see beyond a few feet, meaning there is nothing to worry about if they are unable to recognise your face from a distance for their first three to four months. However, by the age of about eight years old, your child’s eyesight should be fully developed.

Watery eyes are common in young babies and newborns as the ducts which carry tears away from the surface of their eyes do not fully open for the first few months. However, if this problem persists until your child’s first birthday, you should check this over with your GP.

More serious problems that need advice from your optician or GP include:

  • Persistent or recurring eye infections, or if you notice your baby’s eyes do not move together perfectly – for example, when looking at an object straight ahead, one eye may be pointed slightly out or in, which could be a sign your baby has a squint.
  • If your child has difficulty recognising shapes, and colours or shows no interest in pictures in storybooks at around three or four years old. our opticians at Taylor-West & Co will be able to conduct a professional kid’s eye test to determine the problem. This process does not require your child to read or recognise letters to test their sight.

Book Your Kid’s Eye Test at Taylor-West & Co Today

Your child’s vision is as important to us as it is to you, which is why we offer a fully comprehensive children’s eye test to determine the cause of any problems with your child’s eyesight.

Whether you’re looking to get your child’s eyes tested before they enter education, or your child is frequently complaining of issues related to their eyes or vision, the Taylor-West & Co kids eye test will get the results you need for your child’s health and wellbeing.

Book your kid’s eye test today


What is a squint?2022-11-11T14:38:26+00:00

Seen in around 1 in 20 children before the age of 5 years old, a squint is a condition where one of your child’s eyes points in a different direction when they are looking straight ahead. In most cases, the affected eye will be turned towards the nose, however, the eye can turn outwards. A squint can cause blurred vision, double vision, and eventually cause a lazy eye.

Squints can be treated with corrective lenses and eye exercises, however, if these do not work, surgery may be required to move the muscles which control the eye.

What is amblyopia (lazy eye)?2022-11-11T14:38:08+00:00

Seen in around 1 in 50 children at around the age of 4 during regular checks, amblyopia or lazy eye means that one of your child’s eyes is weaker than the other. This causes them to rely more on their ‘good’ eye.

Glasses are typically prescribed to correct the vision in the weaker eye and, in most cases, no further treatment will be required. However, if the weak eye does not respond fully, then a patch can be worn over the good eye for some of the day to encourage the weaker eye to work properly. This kind of treatment is usually effective, but it can take a while to show results.

Will my child need eye drops during a kids’ eye test?2022-11-11T14:38:37+00:00

During a kids’ eye test, we may need to use eye drops as part of the examination. These eye drops are designed to relax the muscles on the inside of your child’s eyes which makes for a more accurate assessment of their vision.

If eye drops are used, they may cause a little bit of a sting during administering and blur your child’s vision for up to 24 hours. However, your optometrist will discuss this entire process with you further during your child’s eye test.

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